No S. Sherlock!

24 Jul

Shopping… with 5 kids.  A brave woman. 🙂

Here are some of her thoughts about comments from fellow shoppers.


Magnificent Mommyhood


Why must we, as human beings, state the obvious?

I do it, I have caught myself many times doing this very thing.  Making comments like, “You’re bleeding” or “You look sick” to an individual who was quite (sometimes painfully) aware.

I remained blissfully unaware of the extent of this epidemic however, until sometime around the third (3rd!) kid.  As I have brought more and more children into “public” over the years, the number one comment I get (generally as I am carrying one child, chasing another and one or more is crying in the cart due to a sudden drop in the barometric pressure-or some other extremely valid reason) is, “You have your hands FULL!”

What I would like to say is, “REALLY?  YA THINK?”  I usually temper my response however, and say something like, “I sure do!”

The second most common response to my gaggle of children is, “Are they ALL yours?”

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3 Responses to “No S. Sherlock!”

  1. magnificentmommyhood July 25, 2013 at 4:22 am #

    Thank you Rose!


    • rosedandrea July 25, 2013 at 11:37 pm #

      Thank You! I was mentally exhausted yesterday, and couldn’t muster up the energy to write something. Your blog made me laugh, then gave me a perfect post to reblog. 🙂
      Expect me back for more comments, and oohs and aahs over any and all baby pictures. 😉


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