Sometimes It Sucks Being A Writer

18 Jan

I’m stumped this week.  For the past several hours I have been trying to come up with something to write, anything.

I got nothin’.

Not a single idea has stuck around for the second line. I can’t tell if I’m uninspired, my mojo is off, or what, but nothing is coming to me. Sorry.

All that is spinning through my mind is the refrain from a poem I wrote a few months back, over and over. It’s so sad, but thankfully has a happy ending. The poem, has potential to become a song. I can hear the tune in my head as the imagery, the fear and sadness gang up on me and make me want to cry.

This might be an ice cream and cuddles night.  😦 

Nights like this are when being a writer sucks. We bringing out our fears and play with them. We put words to them, keep them in safe places. Unfortunately, sometimes they come back to make us feel all that again. The fear. The sadness. The pain.

Years ago I was under the impression I was an emotionally tough person.

I’m not.



7 Responses to “Sometimes It Sucks Being A Writer”

  1. Alice Radwell January 18, 2014 at 4:29 am #

    Sometimes you just have to eat ice-cream, be sad, and let it suck, but remember that these things, these moments of no inspiration, pass or are overcome. You’ll be fine, I promise, hang in there. 🙂


  2. JC January 18, 2014 at 11:04 am #

    Hang in there! It WILL pass! I often find sitting at the dining table with a blank sheet of paper and pencil helps – mainly because I start doodling and think of the shapes and something often pops up. Try it!


    • rosedandrea January 20, 2014 at 3:43 am #

      That may help next time, thanks. Sometimes different settings are useful.
      This time the words and feeling followed me while I tried to read, listen to music, and it wouldn’t even leave while watching funny stuff on YouTube.
      All’s well that ends well, though. That experience kicked off some very interesting conversations (like this one), so it’s not all bad. 🙂


  3. ReGi McClain January 18, 2014 at 4:16 pm #

    *sniffle* I think it’s good for writers to pull in deep emotions in order to improve their craft. OR, as the case may be, funnel the ones that float on the surfaces of our minds into our writing. 🙂


    • rosedandrea January 20, 2014 at 3:47 am #

      That was a tough one. It centers around one of my greatest fears. Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who has no problem talking with me about the emotional side of my art. He helped me feel better.

      Then I had a conversation with an older gentleman who not only had lived through the words of this poem, but who has lose ties to the music industry. You never know, I could have a country hit…one of these years. lol (yeah, right)


      • ReGi McClain January 20, 2014 at 5:03 pm #

        LOL I have a similar “yeah, right”. I know more than one actor, one of which is close to a producer. At one point I had a good friend who was a producer, but he died very tragically. 😦 It sounds impressive, but it’s not, really.

        Yay! for wonderful husbands! 🙂


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