Tag Archives: Debby Conrad

Preparing To Add Another Page

6 Nov

Well, Did You? 😉

Late last night I came up with an idea for a new page on my site.

So, if you all don’t mind I am going to start reviewing random books that are offered for free on Amazon.  You might think that is a cheap thing to do.

Well, it is.

You see, I am broker than broke.  I am doing all this work (writing, editing my work, not nagging my beta-readers, building a social network) so that I can eventually make money, buy a house, make babies, and not have to worry about money (too much).

I am in no way saying that money is the only reason I am doing all this.  I have been working on my first book for over three years, just finished writing 32 poems for a book of bathroom poetry, got a late start on NaNoWriMo, and have many other projects that are slowly cooking in the back of my mind – Because I Love To Write.

I have also always loved to read (although my mother would tell you that it wasn’t exactly a breeze to teach me how).  So it’s a natural progression to go from reading good books to hopefully writing good books.

With my love of reading in mind, I have downloaded a copy of Love, Lies and High Heels, by Debby Conrad.

Thank you, Ms. Conrad for offering your book for free.  If I hadn’t seen the blurb about it on Twitter and been intrigued by the title, I might not have come up with this idea for quite some time.

Hopefully I can get it read by this time next week.  No guarantees though.  I may be broke, but I’m also busy.

*          *          *

NaNoWriMo Word Count Update

As of my latest writing session I am up to: 3379 words

The plot thickens, the ideas boil,…hmm, now I’m hungry.

*          *          *

One thing you will learn soon enough, is that I am a terribly, horribly, chronic night owl.  This disorder is further compacted by the fact that the only person in the household who has a normal job is on swing-shift.  Therefore if the rest of us want to have any real socialization time with him, we have to be on a schedule close to his.

So, if you post a funny, witty, or urgent message, please do not be offended that I don’t respond by noon.  I will get back with you.  Just on a different schedule than most other Americans.

Until Next Time…